

The I-CHANGE project launches the ChallengeYeti app for tracking, reducing, and offsetting your carbon footprint

Finally, a practical, actionable way to reduce your impact!

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Struggling to find your way along your journey towards more sustainable habits? You’re not alone. Many of us want to make a difference but aren’t sure where to start.

Imagine making small, everyday changes that add up to a big impact. The ChallengeYeti app is here to help you do just that. It encourages you to move outside of your comfort zone and avoid leaving a huge carbon footprint behind you.

From simple steps like switching off lights and recycling to supporting local businesses, ChallengeYeti guides you towards a more sustainable lifestyle. So you can track your progress and feel good about reducing your environmental impact.

Learn more about the I-CHANGE project.

Why bother measuring your carbon footprint?

You might wonder, "What's the big deal about my carbon footprint?" Well, it's like tracking your spending—you need to know where your money (or, in this case, carbon) is going before you can make changes. 

Understanding your carbon footprint lets you understand where individual actions can have the most impact, such as food consumption [icon1] or how you travel around your local area. We can collectively mitigate climate change by identifying and reducing our carbon emissions. 

Traditional carbon footprint calculators, however, often fail by presenting users with mere numbers that are hard to interpret. They also often fail to provide actionable steps for reducing your environmental impact.

It’s not only a matter of calculating your footprint.. It's about understanding your impact and finding ways to reduce it. You may discover you rely too much on your car, or you may find ways to make your home more energy-efficient. By making small changes, you can help tackle climate change – without getting overwhelmed. 

How ChallengeYeti does more than just calculate your footprint

Unlike traditional carbon calculators that often leave you with abstract numbers representing your carbon emissions, ChallengeYeti focuses on inspiring and enabling users to adopt tangible actions that can collectively make a significant difference. In fact, Yeti focuses on your avoided footprint - the footprint which you did not leave behind but actively decided not to make!

The app encourages you to make small, manageable changes to their daily lives, equipping you with the tools to make a difference in the face of climate change.

What’s different about the ChallengeYeti app? 

Action-oriented approach: ChallengeYeti isn't your typical calculator. It goes a step further by giving you actionable tips to reduce your carbon footprint. These tips range from simple tweaks in your daily routine to bigger lifestyle changes.

Incremental changes: The app focuses on small, easy-to-manage, and non-regrettable actions. When we all make these changes together, they add up to a significant positive impact on the environment. You'll find it easier to make sustainability part of your daily life by gradually adopting these habits.

Community engagement: One of the best things about ChallengeYeti is its community aspect. You can invite friends, family, and coworkers to join you in your efforts. This creates a supportive and motivating atmosphere. By working together and challenging each other to get out of our comfort zone, we can make a bigger difference and feel a shared sense of responsibility.

Knowledge sharing: ChallengeYeti is also a platform for learning and sharing. Discover new tips and tricks from other users, and share your own. This way, everyone can learn from each other and continuously improve their sustainability efforts.

How to get started with ChallengeYeti app:

1. Sign up to the app: Available for free on ChallengeYeti's website, the app is accessible to anyone committed to making a difference.

2. Take challenges: Engage with various challenges designed to reduce your carbon footprint. These challenges range from simple daily actions, such as reducing meat consumption or using cloth bags instead of plastic bags, to more comprehensive lifestyle changes.

3. Track your progress: Monitor your avoided and actual footprints in real time. The app provides personalised feedback, helping you understand the impact of your actions.

4. Build a community: Invite friends, family, and colleagues to join the movement and challenge them. The more people involved, the greater the collective impact.

5. Share knowledge: Contribute your own ideas and actions to the app's repository, helping others discover new ways to live sustainably.

ChallengeYeti is a practical online platform that can help you live more sustainably. By offering clear steps, building a supportive community, and providing ongoing advice, this app empowers you to make a positive impact.

Sign up to ChallengeYeti to start taking challenges and inspire others to join you!

A last quick note, ChallengeYeti is still young and continues to grow. If you have feedback that can help it improve, please share it here

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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The I-CHANGE is an Innovation Action project that started in November 2021 faces the challenge of engaging and promoting the active participation of citizens for addressing climate change, sustainable development and environmental protection in the framework of the European Green Deal, the European Climate Pact and the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.   

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Author: Gabriela Aceitón Cortés

Author: Gabriela Aceitón Cortés

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Social communicator specialized in science and environmental journalism, I am motivated to disseminate knowledge generated in research projects to society.

Inmedia Solutions




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Inmedia Solutions

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